Rules and Constitution of The South East TREC Group

  1. TITLE
    The Club shall be known as The South East TREC Group
    The objects of the Club shall be:
    1. To organise competitive events, instructional meetings, lectures and other activities to further the sport of British TREC.
    2. To encourage riding as a sport and recreation, to promote good fellowship amongst riders and to improve and maintain the standard of riding and horsemanship.
    3. To be affiliated to TREC GB, to support its aims and objectives and to be actively involved in its development for the furtherance of the sport.
    4. To maintain the spirit of TREC
    This shall consist of any person whose application to be a member has been accepted by the relevant person(s) or the Committee and has paid any membership subscription that is required.
    1. Membership application details for persons who are TREC GB Members will be forwarded to the Club by TREC GB. The Club may (or may not) request additional club specific application form(s) to be completed.
    2. Other persons requesting membership must fill in an application form and send it to the Club together with any subscription required.
    3. Honorary Members may be invited.
    4. Membership will be considered as lapsed if the subscription is not paid within three months of the due date.
    5. The Responsible persons or Committee (if there is one) may expel from membership of the Club any member who has breached any rules of the Club, or who has, in their opinion been guilty of any conduct derogatory to the character or prejudicial to the interests of the Club, provided that, before expulsion, the member shall be given an opportunity to explain their conduct and answer the allegations.
    Rates of subscription and any joining fee required shall be set each year and shall be payable on the first day of the Club’s financial year, which is 1 October.
    1. An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year.
    2. Other General Meetings may be called by a minimum of 10 members or the Committee (if there is one).
    3. All members must be given at least 10 days’ notice of a General Meeting. Such calling notice to be given in writing by post, email or any other means deemed appropriate.
    4. The business to be conducted in general Meeting shall be specified in the calling notice.
    The Club shall have a minimum of three persons responsible for the activities and funds of the Club. They shall be ‘Honorary Officers’, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Such persons shall be appointed by the Members in General Meeting. They may or may not form a COMMITTEE.
    1. The Club shall have a Bank Account with a minimum of two persons as signatories. The ‘Responsible Persons’ or Committee (if there is one) shall decide who shall be the signatories and what limits shall be set for one or two signatories to be required for a transaction.
    2. The Club may own assets – e.g. TREC kit, trailer for transporting such kit, any other equipment useful for organising competitions etc.
    3. Accounts shall be prepared annually and be available for all members. Such accounts must be audited or inspected by a person appointed at the Annual Meeting according to regulations for sports clubs pertaining at the time.
    4. In the event of the Club disbanding any excess funds shall be disposed of as determined by the members at a General Meeting.
    The Club may (or may not) elect a committee from among its members.
    1. The size and make up of a committee, and the number that shall be required to form a quorum, shall be determined by the members in a General Meeting.
    2. The Responsible Persons may delegate their powers and responsibilities to some or all of the Committee.
    3. The committee may appoint sub committees or working groups as it requires.
    4. One third of the Committee shall resign at the AGM each year, usually those members who have served the longest. If more than one third of the committee has served for the same length of time then the members to resign shall be determined by drawing lots.  Resigning committee members may stand for re-election. 
    1. The Responsible Persons or the Committee (if there is one) may propose Bye Laws for the detailed running of the Club. Such proposals must be ratified by the members in General Meeting.
    2. This constitution may be changed in General Meeting by a majority of the members present and voting.