Welcome to South East TREC

The friendliest equestrian sport

Welcome to South East TREC

The friendliest equestrian sport

Welcome to South East TREC

The friendliest equestrian sport

Welcome to South East TREC

The friendliest equestrian sport

Welcome to South East TREC

The friendliest equestrian sport

Welcome to South East TREC

The friendliest equestrian sport

The South East TREC Group was established for horse riders in the South East interested in TREC equestrian sport. 

Our aim is to promote TREC in the South East and to form liaisons with other groups both in the UK and parts of Europe. We encourage and assist with the organisation of competitions, provide orienteering/map reading and obstacle training. 

Upcoming SE TREC Events

16 Feb
22 Feb

League Fixtures & Results

League info coming soon

What is TREC?

TREC originated in France, where it developed as a means of testing and improving the skills of trail ride leaders in the equestrian tourism industry. It was introduced to the UK in the 1990s and remains a sport based on the skills required for hacking. 
The 3-phase sport tests rider navigation and the horse’s ability to tackle different terrain and natural obstacles. There are 5 competitive levels in TREC, from the easy and encouraging Level 1, to the more demanding challenge of Level 4.